Friday, February 28, 2014


I know I haven't posted anything since December but let's just say life has been a little hectic.  Having four kids can sometimes just drain the life from me especially with the neediest baby on the planet.  I haven't done much in the last couple months, mostly since baby doesn't travel well.  Sleep well or well do anything but eat well.  He's definitely my last baby.

I am trying to put him down during the day just so I can get stuff done around the house and spend time with my other kids too. My hubby has been phenomenal with him and my other three so I am very grateful. 

With so much going on, I just never found the time to do a post. But I vow to do better. I'm going to start writing about products and things that just make my life easier.

Almost 3 years ago I met my hubby.  We have been going through the visa process since last year and finally it is almost done.  He received his open work permit a couple of weeks ago and he will be going out to get a job and I will be staying home with the kiddies again.  I have missed being home with them when I went back to work.

So here is to the new start for all of us.  2014 here we come!